Maybe you’re a social person and like to talk. Or maybe you’re a little bit introverted and enjoy tinkering. Whatever your personality type and interests, amateur radio has something for everyone.
So why should I consider becoming a ham?
Ham radio is one of few hobbies that has both enjoyable and practical aspects. Many hams get involved initially because they are drawn to electronics, electrical systems, or computers, but find that their interests can be put to practical use in community volunteering, special event stations, or even emergency communications teams. Others just enjoy chatting with other people located in diverse geographical locations, and ham radio provides an avenue to find new friends. There are hundreds of aspects to the hobby, and whether you’re looking to test your newest invention or just want to hang out with others who like similar things, you’re sure to find something that will be fun and rewarding.
What’s involved in becoming a ham?
Ham radio has been around a long time and has always been about communicating via radio waves. Early on, a system was needed to make sure that the airwaves could be regulated so that everyone had a fair shot at using them, and as a result, a licensing system was devised for all of the various governmental, military, commercial, and personal uses of the spectrum. Some frequencies don’t require a license for people to use at all, but they’re generally limited in scope. Becoming a licensed ham radio operator opens up large areas of the spectrum for you to use for lots of different communications modes, but in order to become licensed, you need to take a test. Don’t fret yet- the testing process is simple and painless, and you can likely pass the test after only studying for a weekend. Besides, there are a lot of guys around who would love to help you learn the things you need to know and would like nothing more to help get you going.
A test? Why a test? Are there more tests?
The Federal Communications Commission needs to make sure that you have a basic understanding of electrical, regulatory, and other principals so that they know that you’ll be a responsible user of the airwaves and won’t cause trouble or hurt yourself. That’s the reasoning for the testing. Besides that, there can be up to three tests, depending on what you want to do and where you’d like to go in the hobby. Here are the three levels of amateur radio license in order from the one with the fewest privileges to the most:
Technician Class License: In order to obtain this entry-class license, you need to get at least 26 questions correct on a 35 question exam that is taken from a pool of 400 questions. This license class allows most operations at frequencies above 30MHz which allows communications locally and around the country.
General Class License: The General license also requires 26 correct answers on a 35 question exam that is taken from a pool of 500 questions. This license class allows the licensee to operate on all amateur radio bands and most modes which opens up worldwide communications. You need to earn a Technician class license before taking the General class exam.
Amateur Extra Class License: Extra class license holders have earned all privileges on all bands and modes. This class of license has a more difficult exam that requires at least 37 correct answers out of 50 questions that are taken from a pool of 700 questions. A General class license must be earned before taking the Extra class exam.
Do I need to learn Morse Code?
Nope. Those days are over. That being said, a lot of hams still enjoy learning Morse Code because it’s easier to hear when signal are very weak, and long-distance weak-signal contacts can be made much more easily than by using other modes.
How do I start preparing to take the Technician exam?
There are a myriad of ways. There are a lot of excellent books on the subject by authors and teachers such as Gordon West. There are also a lot of websites, some paid and some free, that offer study guides and practice tests that will expand your knowledge and give you a taste of what the actual exam will be. Here are a few examples of materials that you can use. None of the links are necessarily endorsing any particular product; these are meant as reference only.
Each license class you study for has a text for that specific class with the bank of test questions specifying the dates for which that material is active. Make sure you purchase the most up-to-date edition as the question pool changes every 4 years.
SCARS strongly encourages buying the text as a study aid as you prepare for license testing.

The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual will guide you as you get started in the hobby–as you select your equipment, set-up your first station, and make your first contact. Use this book to study for the 35-question Technician Class license exam. Includes the entire question pool with answer key, for use July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026.

Upgrading your license opens you up to new frequencies, privileges, and your understanding of the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio. The ARRL General Class License Manual 10th Edition will prepare you for the 35-question General Class license exam. Includes the entire question pool with answer key, for use July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027.

The ARRL Extra Class License Manual 13th Edition is your ticket to every privilege granted to amateur radio operators – all frequencies, operating modes, and power levels. It has all the questions and answers, with detailed explanations, for examinations taken July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2028.
There are many, many websites available with study materials or practice tests, so this is just a representative sample. Use Google or Bing to find more. is a free website for studying exam questions and it includes practice tests. Although the site is free, registration is required. is a very popular ham radio website that has news, a swapmeet, online logging, and more. The practice exams are free and accessible from anywhere, but there is no study material. is a free site with online flash cards and practice exams. No registration is required. is not free, but it combines study materials and practice tests into one format. It uses a method of presenting material related to a particular topic, and then showing exam questions related to that topic. There are also different types of practice exams available, some of which are adaptive and will return to questions that you missed earlier to reinforce the correct answers.
(the above is an extract from the website)

Ham Radio Prep – Ham Radio Online License Class The Ham Radio Prep program makes it fast, easy and fun to get your license in just a few hours of study time. Pass your exam on your first try or your money back, guaranteed! There is a charge to sign up.